Happy Mother's Day! Bought durian cake for my mum and she LOVED it! :):)
Anyway, the purpose of blogging is because i wanna comment of this person while "fb hopping". She wrote this in the About Me section.
i am just a sad,irritating,burden,extra and useless girl:( i everynight will cry:( my life suck and i hate my life!
...if wanna know my no, jux msg me in fb tell me you wanna...
people like to backstab and accuse me!:(...the feeling no one can understand de:(i hate it!i have enough le :'(
Im sorry for invading your privacy by copying and paste the whole thing. but omgg! what's wrong with you?!! Why have so much negative comments on yourself?? And why introduce yourself in that way?!! It seems as though you wanna gain pity from people. I doubt it'll do much help. Plus you sound super AA and desperate for friends. -.- Also, what's with the sudden change in topic, "...if wanna know my no, jux msg me in fb tell me you wanna..." Im sorry, but you sound stup*d. Come on! You are only sec1 and you are saying that your life sucks?!! Then you should seriously GET A new LIFE! Retarded. Cant stand it when people complain how sucky their life is when they are actually better off than ALOT OF PEOPLE!
Pfft! GTG. bye~
7May2011 Nike Goddess 5K; 35.26
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